January 5, 2011

Ziploc Bags

"The next time I get a good idea, I hope someone convinces me otherwise" - Matt Bray

Richard rather likes to play with certain items you might find in a high school lunch setting, including plastic knives, straws, water bottles, and ziploc bags. These all have good stories of their own but for now this is all about ziploc bags. When Richard gets hold of some of these bags often our table ends up laughing really hard for several minutes straight, it's really entertaining. But I will just let the video speak for itself.

Oh, and if you were wondering about the quote, those were my ziploc bags. That's not really where the quote came from(that's a whole other story), but it works.

The quote actually came during swim practice, as so many of mine do. One day I just so happened to be in the mood to work hard, which happens once every so often. I was really fired up and determined to practice hard so that I could be faster. This day just so happened to be before the swim season, so we did not have a coach with us and we had to make up our own work outs. Being the brilliant person I am I suggested a really hard set nicknamed as "The Puke Set." Being named so because it was the only set ever to make one of our swimming friends puke. When my teammates grudgingly agreed we began. I started off enthusiastically but a little way into the set realized what a stupid idea it really was. Nevertheless we finished the set. My enthusiasm was completely drained and this quote came along.

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