January 10, 2011


"Everything in life is easy, it's just difficult to be good at it." - Martin Bradwards

This is the first Martin Bradwards quote of them all. This is the original, the one that started them all, the first inspiration for writing down quotes in the first place, the reason this blog eventually came to exist.

You see this quote will eventually become famous, just because it is so awesome.

Just as a side story: When this whole quote thing was fairly new Richard typed up a few quotes that we had, including this one and gave it to one of our seminary teachers to put on their daily quote things. Later that day, I was talking to my younger brother who happened to have that same seminary teacher. He told me "I heard a good quote today". "Oh, Really?" I asked, "what was it?". And to my amazement he quoted this quote back to me, not realizing that I was present when that quote first came to be.

This quote can apply to just about everything in life. I believe it probably started during a conversation about swimming, but it has been refined to apply everywhere. For example, I can play guitar, that is easy. Sure I can strum the strings, I couldn't play a song, I probably couldn't even make it sound good. But if I wanted to be good at it then I would have to spend a lot of time learning how to really play the guitar. But I could play the guitar.

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