January 11, 2011


"You cannot push a river; let it flow on its own." --Doris Murphy

I just had the wonderful opportunity to visit one of my neighbors. Her name is Doris; she is 92 years old with arthritis and other things that make her weak physically. She is a wise, grateful woman of virtue. Sharing her company is one of the greatest blessings because her happiness takes you over.

Dorris heard this quote from her grandson and his wife. They travel the world together. While they were in China, they sent a card, or something of that sort, to Dorris that had the quote written on it. We discussed the importance of taking time to enjoy little things, letting life run on its own.

I know that I often try to push my life in the direction I want it to go. One day I will be better at letting things just happen, letting the river flow by itself.

1 comment:

Heather Rae said...

Nice quote. She's so cute. So. . . Now that I'm following your blog are you gonna get me fans on Facebook???