October 8, 2012

Email from October 8, 2012

Hello everyone! Wow. I love general conference. I had never looked forward to it so much as I did this past weekend as a missionary. It felt like a vacation, or as much of a vacation as a missionary will get anyway. We went to the stake center to watch, since it isnt broadcast on TV here, not that we are allowed to watch tv anyway, and we cant watch on internet either. So we made the trip down to the stake center and to enjoy the whole day there relaxing. It was nice to relax, that is a rare thing for a missionary.
One thing was weird, normally in the stake centers they have the spanish broadcast for those members who speak Spanish back home, well, here they did the same thing for us. It felt weird to be one of 5 or so North American missionaries watching the english broadcast. It was weird to be the minority, but its exciting all the same. On Saturday I watched the three sessions in english, but on sunday there were more people, so they had to use the tv and room for more people, so I had to watch in spanish. It was cool, and I didnt have any problems understanding anything, but it just wasnt the same. It doesnt have the same impact. Just imagine listening to Elder Holland talk in a monotone voice. Its not the same. On sunday listening to the sessions in spanish something that really struck me was the hymn in the middle where everyone sings. The video that is broadcast to the whole world is the same, english subtitles and all, and they dont translate the choir either, obviously, and the sound that comes from the speakers in the intermediate hymn is the same, its in english, so everyone brings their hymnbooks and sings the songs in spanish while the sound is in english. It was a really neat experience. Everyone stood up and in the background we could hear the english song (it was the hymn Called to Serve) but I along with everyone else started singing in Spanish. It felt weird, but it made the fact that the Church is a worldwide one reality. It felt really cool to realize that as I was singing in Spanish millions of other people were joining in singing in their own language. It doesnt sound that exciting, but I promise it was.
As far as investigators go in the sessions of conference, for us it was a let down. We had more than 50 people committed to go. 5 came, including 2 who we never invited in the first place who a member brought. I felt really frustrated, but it really is ok. Two of the people that came are a really good family who is really interested in listening to us and I think I will see them baptized one day. I really like that family. Speaking of baptisms, we have one lined up for this Saturday! There are a lot of obstacles to work around this week for it to happen, but we have plans made to take care of them, so if all goes well we will have a baptism! I am really excited for it. I am pretty sure its going to happen. I will tell you more about the family next week since we dont have much time to write today. Thats all for this week
Elder Matthew Bray

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